Thursday, 27 August 2015

How to solve Seating Arrangement Problems ?

How to solve Seating Arrangement Problems ?

Seating Arrangement or Seating Plan is just a diagram or a set of writteninstructions that determines where people should take their seats. This is one of the crucial and promising sections of banks and other competitive exams. But as we have already discussed in our earlier post, even a single mistake can ruin your entire answer in result ending up with losing 5 marks allotted to this area. So we have to be little cautious while doing seating arrangement problems.


Seating Arrangement Introduction :

Shortcuts to Seating Arrangement ProblemsSeating Arrangement is not any new word which directly invented / introduced for competitive exams. Its just picked up from our daily life. We follow this strategy in formal dinners, weddings, theaters, trains etc to avoid chaos and confusion upon entrance. But in competitive exams we should arrange given people in a specific shape. Most widely asked shapes are Circular, Octagonal, Square, Rectangle and Two or Three parallel lines. 

Generally as soon as seeing the question, people tend to draw the shape mentioned in the question. And latter put dots or lines according to the given details. Its not good practice I must say. Because it ruins your valuable time and often leads to extra confusion. So better use straight lines instead of circles and shapes. Drawing straight lines instead of circles also make it easier to find who is sitting opposite to whom.  Lets have a look at below diagram for detailed understanding. 

Ex : Assume that you have been asked to draw a circular seating arrangement of six people.
seating arrangement

you can follow the above mentioned lines strategy for all shapes either it may be square, pentagon, hexagon etc.

Now try to remember some important points : 
  • If is sitting immediate left of B, that meansis on immediate right of A.
  • To avoid confusion of left and rights in circular and other shapes' seating arrangement problems, you should assume that all people are facing to center (unless and until they specify the direction).
  • Its always better idea to assume you are one among them so that it will be easier for you to get an idea of the arrangement.
  • If you are unable to get the idea from a line then better skip that line and go to next line. You can revisit to the skipped line after getting another clue.

now lets have a look at some problems on seating arrangement so that you will get the concept clear.

Note :  In seating arrangement problems

1. Six persons A, B, C, D, E and F are sitting around a circular table. B is sitting to the immediate right of E. C is not sitting next to F. F is sitting opposite to B and D is sitting opposite to E. Who is sitting to the immediate left of D ?

Solution :

Its given that there are 6 persons sitting around the table. Six persons that means you should represent 6 points. That means 3 lines. Draw 3 lines as shown in the below figure. Later it is given that B is sitting to the immediate right of E. So we shall start with E.  Just choose any of the end of the line and mark it as E. And B is sitting immediate right to E. So put B at the right side of E. Now the arrangement will be look like this,

Later its given that C is not sitting next to F. We don't have any idea about this statement at present. So skip to next statement, i.e., F is sitting opposite to B. We know where Bis. So mark F to the opposite to B

Its also given that  D is sitting opposite to E. So mark as opposite to E. Now the arrangement will look like,

So only A and C are available.... Now go to the previous statement which we have skipped. C is not sitting next to F.  With this statement its clearly known that we cant place C besides F. So we can place A there. And now there is only one gap between D and B. We can place C there. So the final arrangement of seating will be appear like this. 

Now lets have a look at another problem.

2. Eight persons P, Q, R, S, T, U, V and W are sitting around a circular table. 'S' is to the immediate right of W. 'V' is not next to either R or T. 'W' is to the immediate right of T, who is sitting opposite to R. U and W are sitting opposite to each other. Followed by some questions... 

Solution : Here there are 8 persons. That means 4 lines.

Given that S sat immediate right of W. So start with W. And place S immediate right to W.
'V' is not next to either R or T.. No clue about this statement. So skip it.
'W' is to the immediate right of T, who is sitting opposite to R.. We know where W is... Given that it is immediate right of T. That means T should be immediate left of W. Now from the above statement we came to know that T is sitting opposite to R. So place R opposite to T. Now the arrangement will appear like this...

No check the skipped statement.  'V' is not next to either R or T. That means, we cant place V neither on both vacant sides of R nor at the single side of T. So the only vacant place remaining was opposite to S

U and W are sitting opposite to each other. So just place Uopposite to W. Now there are 2 vacancies and two people (P and Q) are pending. There is no specific clue to find out their exact places. So there are equal chances for them to place any of the side. Usually they leave blanks like this to make you confused. In these cases its better to write P/Q (P or Q) at both the sides. In-fact they wont ask questions about P/Q because they left them clueless. So finally the arrangement will appear like this. 

Now lets have a look at some questions based on above arrangement.

  1. Who is sitting opposite to 'S' ?
    1. V
    2. R
    3. T
    4. U
    5. None of these
  2. Who is sitting two places to the right of 'W' ?
    1. P
    2. S
    3. V
    4. Can't Say   
    5. None of these
  3. If R and V interchange their places, then who is opposite to 'T' ?
    1. P
    2. S
    3. R
    4. V
    5. None of these
  4. If V is to the immediate left of 'P', then who is to the immediate left of 'R' ?
    1. U
    2. P
    3. Q
    4. Can't Say
    5. None of these 
That's all for now Friends. In our next post we shall discuss some more practice problems on seating arrangement. Good Day :) 

Mathematical Operations

Mathematical Operations

Friends, today we shall discuss another important model of Reasoning Section Mathematical Operations. Of course, even these questions are asked under reasoning section these are mainly dependent on mathematical operations. All calculations will be performed using BODMAS Rule. We can divide these problems in three types.Those are,
  1. Symbol Substitution
  2. Mathematical Logic
  3. Interchange of Signs & Numbers
Now lets discuss these types with detailed examples.

1st Type : Symbol Substitution 

In this type, to find the value of the given expression you should replace the symbols by mathematical operations. Then apply the BODMAS Rule (i.e., Brackets, of, Division, Multiplication, Addition, Subtraction).

For the detailed understanding, lets have a look at an example

Example : 42% (9-2) + 6 x 3 - 4

Solution :
42 % (9-2) + 6 x 3 - 4
= 42 % 7 + 6 x 3 - 4
= 6 + 6 x 3 - 4
= 6 + 18 - 4
= 24 - 4 = 20

2nd Type : Mathematical Logic

In this type, they just give you some logical statements followed by some mathematical operations. You should solve the given mathematical operations with the help of given logical statements.

Example : If % stands for greater than, x stands for addition, + stands for division, - stands for equal to, > stands for multiplication, = stands for less than, < stands for minus, then which of the following alternatives is correct ?
  1. 3 + 2 < 4 % 6 > 3 x 2 
  2. 3 x 2 < 4 % 6 + 3 < 2
  3. 3 > 2 < 4 - 6 x 3 x 2 
  4. 3 x 2 x 4 = 6 + 3 < 2 
Usually for these type of questions people tend to make direct decisions with the help of given statements. But confusion arises when you tried to  coordinate given mathematical symbols with the logical statements mentioned above. It is because lack of coordination between eyes and brain. So, to avoid confusion you just should make a note of given logical statements in simple mathematical equations format. So that it will be easier for your eye to pick the correct operation.

by using above logical statements, you can use a rough sketch like this,

now you can calculate the values of given operations mentally by picking the right hand side symbols instead of left hand side. Or you just can replace the symbols by taking the reference of above rough sketch.

Solution : Using the symbols correctly as given in the above operations, for the option (2) you will get, 3+2-4>6%3-2. Using BODMAS rule in this inequality, we will get 5-4>2-2 or, 1>0, which is correct.

3rd Type : Interchange of Signs & Numbers

In this type they just give you some random set of numbers and mathematical symbols. And then ask you to choose the correct of symbols to fit the given equation.

Example : Select the correct set of symbols which will fit in the given equation 5  0  3  5  = 20
  1. x, x, x
  2. =, +, x
  3. x, +, x
  4. +, -, x
Solution : Using the set of symbols given in options, you will get the Option 2 as the correct answer.
Using the set of symbols given in option 2, you will get the equation,

5-0+3x5 = 20
Using BODMAS rule you will get,
5-0+15=20 or 20-0 = 20 which is correct

Now lets have a look at some examples,

1. '<' means subtraction, '>' means Addition, '+' means Multiplication and '$' means Division. Then what will be the value of 27 > 81 $ 9 < 6 ?
Solution :
27+81%9-6 = 27+9-6 = 36-6 = 30

2. If % means +, - means x, x means -, + means %, then what will be the value of 15 - 2 % 900 + 90 x 100 ?
Solution :
15x2+900%90-100 = 30 + 10 - 100 = -60

3. Q means Addition, J means Multiplication, T means Subtraction, K means Division then what is the value of 30K2Q3J6T5 ?
Solution :
3%2+3x6-5  =  15 + 18 - 5 = 28

4. P means x, R means +, T means %, S means -, then what will be the value of 18T3P9S8R6 ?
Solution :
By substituting the given symbols, you will get the answer 52

5. P means Multiplication, T means Subtraction, M means Addition, B means Division then what will be the value of28B7P8T6M4 ?
Solution :
28 % 7 x8 - 6 + 4 
= 4 x 8 - 6 + 4 
= 32 - 6 + 4 
= 36 - 6 = 30

Thats all for now friends. In our next post we shall discuss some more problems of Mathematical Operations with higher difficulty level. Happy Reading :)



  • Now Let Us discuss about the Sides:
    • Left of Left  ( - ) Left
    • Left of Right  (+) Right  
    • Right  of Right   ( - )  Right   
    • Right  of Left   (+)  Left 
  • NOTE :  If opposite sides (Left - Right) are given add up the numbers. Ifsame sides (Left -Left or Right - Right) are given deduct Small number from the Big one.
  • Ex : Check the following Alphabetical Series
            A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 

  • What is the 7th alphabet to the left of the 10th alphabet from the right end in the above series?
    • Ans : 7th left - 10th right  (7+10) right  17th right. i.e., "J" (10th alphabet from the right end is Q and 7th alphabet to the left of 'Q' is 'J')
  • What is the 5th alphabet to the left of the 6th alphabet from the left end in the above series?
    • 5th left - 6th left   (6-5) left   1st left   'A'
  • What is the 2nd alphabet to the right of the 5th alphabet from the left end in the above series?
    • 2nd right - 5th left   (2+5) left  7th left 'G'
  • What is the 13th alphabet to the left of the 13th alphabet from the right end in the above series?
    • 13th left - 13th right   (13+13) right   26th right   'A'
  • What is the 3rd alphabet to the right of the 16th alphabet from the right end in the above series?
    • 3rd right - 16th right   (16-3) right    13th right   'N'

-> Study the following information carefully to answer these questions

A 8 B 6 # 7 H U % 3 $ F V R 2 I @ 1 4 1 W E 9 ^ L 5

1. If all the symbols are dropped from the above arrangement which of the following will be eigth from the left end ?
  1. 3         2. $       3. F        4. U         5. None of These

Ans. 1) 3

Explanation : The element  Highlighted  in the Red Color in the following sequence is the 8th element from the left end after dropping all the symbols (#, %, $, @, 1 and ^)

A  8  B  6  7  H  U  3  F  V  R  2  I  4  1  W  E  9  L  5 

2. Which of the following is Seventh to the right of fifteenth from the right end?
1.4   2. T   3. 1   4. w   5. None of These

Ans. 1) 4

Explanation : 7th right of the 15th from the right end ---> (15-7) right --> 8th right element. (Please read our Tutorial here)
The element Highlighted in the red color in the following sequence is the 8th element from the right end.

A  8  B  6  #  7  H  U  %  3  $  F  V  R  2  I  @  1  !  4  1  W  E  9  ^  L  5

3. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way on the basis of their positions in the above arrangement and so form a group. Which is one that does not belong to the group?
1.  95L    2. I41  3. F2R  4. B73   5. None of These

Ans. 5. None of These

Explanation : Four Groups belong to the same group. So, there is no group which is the odd man out.

4. How many such numbers are there in the above arrangement each of which is immediately followed by a vowel but not immediately preceded by a number ?

1.  None   2.  One   3. Two   4. Three   5. More than Three

Ans. 2) One

Explanation :  Not a Number - Number - Vowel  ---  NNV  The elements in Highlighted in the Red color are such numbers

A   8   B   6   3   7   H   U   %   3   $   F   V   R   2   I  @   1   4   1   W   E   9   ^   L   5   

5. How many such symbols are there in the above arrangement, each of which is immediately followed by a consonant and also immediately preceded by a number?
1.  None   2. One  3. Two  4. Three  5. More than Three

Ans. 3 ) Two

Explanation :   Smbol - Consonant ----- >  SC

The elements Highlighted in Red color in the following sequence are such symbols

A   8   B   6   #   7   H   U   %  3   $   F   V   R   2   I   @   1   4   1   W   E   9   ^   L   5  


Verbal Reasoning Shortcuts - Direction Sence

Verbal Reasoning Shortcuts - Direction Sence

Now a days in almost all competitive exams you get questions which test your sense of direction in verbal reasoning section. These questions typically involve a person's moving certain distances in specified directions. Then, the student is asked to find out the net distance traveled between two points. The easiest way of solving these problems is to draw a diagram as you read information about the problem and let the diagram reflect all the information given in the problem.

The distance from a particular point after traveling a distance of X meters in the horizontal direction and a distance of Y meters in the vertical direction is equal to  X2+y(Please note that in common usage, north-south direction is referred to as "vertical" direction and east-west direction is referred to as "horizontal direction.

To solve these types of problems, the student should know the directions properly - without any confusion. The following diagram shows all the directions and the student should memorize the diagram.

If you have problems in remembering the above diagram then just remember the word NEWS and a reverse S. Of course, this S is not like your Normal S. Its kinda kiddish. Have a look at the below figure.
Start with N (for North) and move to E, W and finally S. Mark the corner of North and East as North-East, South and East as South-East and so on... Well, you have your own diagram now :P

Now lets have discuss this topic with some examples. So that you can easily understand what exactly is Direction Sense and how to solve the problems.

1.  A person travels towards east from his house and travels a distance of 3 meters; he then travels a distance of 7 meters south wards and then travels towards east a distance of 3 meters and finally travels southwards a distance of 10 meters. What is his vertical distance from his house?

Solution :

The distance traveled by him is equal, to 10 + 7 = 17m. Have a look at the below figure for detailed understanding.

2. A person starts from his house  and travels 5 meters towards east, then travels 6 metres towards right, then travels 8 meters towards east and travels 2  meters towards south after that. Finally he turns right and travels 7 meters. What is the total distance he has traveled from his house in the north-south direction? 

Sol : The distance he traveled from his house in north-south direction is equal to 6 + 2 = 8 Meters.

3. A person travels 7 meters towards east, then he turns right and travels 2 meters; then travels 5 meters towards left and then proceeds 2 meters northwards and finally travels 2 meters westwards. How far is he from his house in the vertical direction?
Sol : The distance covered by the person in the north-south direction from his house is equal to 2-2 = 0 meters (Here please keep in mind that he has actually traveled 2+2 = 4 meters in the north-south direction but, of that distance, since 2m is towards north and 2m towards south, effectively, he is 0m away from his house in the north-south direction).

4. Starting from one location, a person travels a distance of 5 meters southwards, then travels a distance of 7 meters leftwards, then travels 5 meters northwards and finally travels 6 meters eastward to reach a new location. What is the distance he travelled from his previous location?
Sol : The distance traveled by  vertically is 5-5 = 0 meters and the distance travelled horizontally is equal to 7+6 = 13m. Therefore, the distance travelled from his original location is also equal to 13m.

5. A person starts from his house and goes 2 meters towards east, then turns towards right and goes 25 meters and again goes towards east traveling 15 meters and then turns left and travels for 18 meters. He then goes towards  east and travels 7 meters. How far is he from his house?
Sol : If we represent the path covered by him in a diagram, it will appear as follows.

The total distance travelled  horizontally is equal to 2+15+7 = 24 metres and the total distance travelled vertically is 25-18 = 7 metres.

So, the total distance travelled will be equal to root (242  +  7) = 25m

That's all for now friends.  We shall discuss some more practice exercises on Directions in our next post.All the best and happy reading :)

Blood Relations - Reasoning

Blood Relations - Reasoning

blood relations shortcut methods for Bank Exams

Cousin : Mother's or Father's Brother's or Sister's Son or Daughter (or) Parent's siblings' son or daughter (or) Uncle's or Aunt's son or daughter.

Nephew : Brother's or Sister's son

Niece : Brother's or Sister's daughter.

Uncle : Father's or Mother's brother.

 Aunt : Father's or Mother's sister

Father-in-Law : Spouse's father (or) Wife's or Husband's Father

Mother-in-Law : Spouse's mother (or) Wife's or Husband's Mother

Son-in-Law : Daughter's Husband

Daughter-in-Law : Son's wife

Brother-in-Law : Spouse's brother (or) Sister's husband

Sister-in-Law : Spouse's sister (or) Brother's Wife

Maternal : of or related to Mother

Paternal : of or related to Father

Siblings : brothers or sisters

Spouse : Husband or Wife

Note : Cousin is a COMMON GENDER, There are NO such words Cousin Brother / Cousin Sister

Generations : 
-2 Generation : Grand father and Grand Mother (Maternal & Paternal)
-1 Generation : Mother, Father, Brother, Sister, Brother-in-Law, Sister-in-Law, Cousin
+1 Generation : Son, Daughter, Son-in-Law, Daughter-in-Law, Nephew, Niece
+2 Generation : Grand Sons and Grand Daughters


  • If the question is "How is A related to B". Then you must know the gender of A to answer the question
    • Without knowing A's gender, you cannot determine the relation from A to B
  • If a person is Uncle or Aunt to "A", A is that person's nephew (if A is Male) or niece (if A is female)
  • Cousin is a common Gender (I mean, you can use this word for both Male and Female)
Lets have a look at some practice problems :

  • The mother of Ranbir is the only daughter of Neetu's  father. How  Neetu is related to Ranbir?
    • Sister
    • Mother
    • Aunt
    • Cant determine
    • None of These
           Answer : Mother
          Explnation : Only daughter of Neetu's father  = Neetu only.
           The mother of Ranbir is Neetu, so Neetu is the mother of Ranbir :D
  • Amit is the son of Ajit's grand father's only daughter. How is Ajit's father related to Amit?
    • Grand Father
    • Uncle
    • Father
    • Data Inadequate
    • None of these
             Answer : Father
             Explanation : Ajit's grand father's only daughter means Ajit's mother. Amit is the son of Ajit's mother. 
                           So, Amit and Ajit are Siblings. Ajit's father is Amith's father too

  • Pointing to a boy Rekha said, "He is the son of my mother-in-law's only Child". How is the boy related to Rekha?
    • Son
    • Grand Son
    • Nephew
    • Brother
    • Cant determined
                Ans : Son
                Explnation : My mother-in-law's only child = Rekha's mother-in-law's only child = Rekha's husband.
                                    The boy is the son of the Rekha's Husband. So obviuosly Rekha is the mother to that
                                    boy and that boy is the Son of Rekha.
  • B is the husband of C. A is the sister of B. D is the sister of C. How is D related to B?
  • Son
    • Uncle
    • Sister-in-Law
    • Cant be determined
                Ans : Sister-in-Law
                Explnation : 
    •  B is Husband and C is his Wife. 
    • A is the sister of B, so A is the Sister-in-Law of C ( Husband's sister)
    • D is the sister of C so, D is the Sister-in-Law of B (Wife's Sister)
  • Pointing towards a girl, a Person said, "She is the only daugher of the only son of the wife of the father-in-law of my wife". How is the girl related to the Person?
    • Niece
    • Daughter
    • Sister
    • Daughter-in-Law
    • Cant be Determined
               Ans : Daughter
               Explnation : 
  • Father-in-Law of my wife = Father in Law of the Person's Wife = Person's Father
  • Wife of the Father-in-law of my wife = Wife of the Person's Father = Person's Mother.
  •  Only son of Person's Mother = That Person only (because Person's parents dont have any other child)
  • So, she is the only daughter of Person as the Person does not have any other Children.

Wednesday, 19 August 2015

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